EcoRain savings calculator
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EcoRain savings calculator
Find out your potential savings within 30 seconds.
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The secret?
Our own AquaPro technology creates a great shower experience where you can perfectly day starts or ends with it. While you save on costs.
The secret?
Our own AquaPro technology creates a great shower experience where you can perfectly day starts or ends with it. While you save on costs.
Ready to save?
Ready to save?

29% korting
Temporarily sold out
29% korting
Temporarily sold out
In stock
Temporarily sold out
In stock
In stock
Compare EcoRain with the traditional shower head.
A traditional shower head quickly uses 13 litres of water and heating costs per minute. EcoRain half! A 50% saving on costs and water consumption.
Water saving
Full beam
Lower heating costs
Compare EcoRain with the traditional shower head.
A traditional shower head quickly uses 13 litres of water and heating costs per minute. EcoRain half! A 50% saving on costs and water consumption.
Water saving
Full beam
Lower heating costs
EcoRain scores excellently with a 4.6 / 5